Other Colorado Dance Series (these are not CFOOTMAD dances)
Arkansas Valley (Buena Vista & Salida) Community Dance
Traditional circle, square, longways, contra, and couple dances — fun for all! For best info visit their website.
2nd Fridays and select Saturdays, September – May 7 – 9 p.m, see their website for location and price.
Live music — traditional Irish and old-time tunes played by local musicians. Band often includes hammered dulcimer, guitar, fiddle, and mandolin. Light refreshments included, beginners welcome, casual dress. Dances are taught and called throughout the evening by local callers, Randy Barnes and Eleanor Fahrney. Generally we change partners after each dance (not required) so that you need not come with a partner. Call Randy or Carole Barnes at 719 395-6704.
Durango Contra Dance Currently suspended.
English Country Dance
From the 1600s to the present—come and experience the English ancestry of our present-day contras. Check out their website.
Berkeley Community Church, 3701 West 50th Ave., Denver(near Regis). Generally 1st Fridays, September through May... see their website for details.
Event Coordinator: Chris Kermiet
Friends of Traditional Dance
Fort Collins. Contra dances 1st and 3rd Saturdays, Masonic Lodge, 225 W. Oak St., $10. (970) 493-8277. Also visit the FOTD website.
Music is always live and always excellent! Our mainstay for awesome dancing music is Eric Levine on fiddle and Rodney Sauer on piano/accordion. However, true to contra dance bands, we have mix and match musicians. Sometimes we import a band from the North, South, East, West, or some point in between.
Fort Collins Ballroom Dance
Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Rumba, Samba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Jive and the occasional Charleston, Merengue, Polka, etc.
Ballroom Dancing 1st and 3rd Saturdays, (except May – August) Masonic Temple, 225 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins. $5 — all ages welcome.
Glenwood Springs Community Contra Dance
Circles, contras, squares, waltzes and other couples dances to live, old-time music
1505 Satank Road Carbondale. 1st Saturdays. Call ahead to confirm dance!! Beginner walkthrough: 7pm, regular dance 7:30 p.m. $8 ($5 kids 6 – 15).
The Glenwood Springs dance features squares, reels, circles, contras, waltzes and other couples dances. Live American old-time music is provided with Southern and Northeast influences. Beginning dancers are always welcome and supported. Callers and musicians seeking to gain experience should contact the dance organizers for information on calling and participating in a band at this dance. Casual dress, no partner needed, all dances are taught, beginners and well-behaved youngsters are always welcome.
For More info contact Marjorie at (970) 945 1225 or marjcomer@gmail.com.
Grand Junction Community Contra Dance
Contras, circles, squares, waltzes and other couples dances to live, Celtic and old-time music. 7 dances a year: Sept, Oct, Nov and then Jan, Feb, March and May.
La Puerta Ballroom 523 1/2 Main Street, Grand Jct., CO. New dancer's instruction at 7:00. Dance 7:30 - 10:30. Adults $8 ($4 people 10 – 17). Casual dress, come with or without a partner, all dances are taught and cued by the caller, beginners and well-behaved youngsters are always welcome.
Information: Connie at connie@fifthreelmusicanddance.com or 970-260-5852, or check out their website.
Lyons Old-time Square Dance
Old-time reels, mixers, squares, waltzes and clogging to live fiddle/banjo music!
Dances happen November and February on a Saturday night at Oskar Blues in Lyons. In April, the dance location is Lone Hawk Farm in western Longmont. Community members may host additional summer dances. All dances taught and are beginner and family-friendly: no experience, partner or special shoes required! Come alone, bring family/friends and join our mix of beginner and welcoming seasoned dancers. Cost: $10/adult, $5/child, cash only at the door. More info: 303 827-6322, email oldtimedances@musicinlyons.com, Lyons Old-time Square Dance page on Facebook.
Mountain Moon Festival (Formerly the Moon Festival) Spring and Fall music and dance weekend at the Colorado Mountain Ranch in Gold Hill. Check their website.
Pikes Peak Traditional Dance Contra dances 3rd Saturdays, Sept thru May, 7:30-10 pm. At the Hillside Community Center, 925 S Institute, Colorado Springs ( see map), $7.00 admission plus band donation. Info: 719 578-8979, email Adele B., or check out their website .
Ragtime Tea Dance
American ragtime era dances including one-steps, foxtrots, waltzes, tangos, and more
Avalon Ballroom, 6185 Arapahoe Road, Boulder. 2nd Sundays, September through March, and May. Lesson at 1:15. Dancing 2 – 5 p.m. Complimentary refreshments and the introductory dance lesson are included in your admission price—$18 general admission, or $13 for CFOOTMAD members, $5 discount for full-time students with student ID.
For information,
Events Coordinator: Jim X. Borzym, 303 449-5962, Orchestra Leader: Rodney Sauer, 303 665-9413
Scottish Country Dancers of Colorado
The social dance of Scotland, including jigs, reels, and strathspeys. Ancestor of square and contra dances.
Our classes meet weekly in various front range locations to learn the steps and figures unique to Scottish country dance. See Weekly Classes on the website for more details and contact information. Classes are open to all ages and all levels. No partner is needed, just an ability to laugh and smile. Soft-soled shoes are recommended.
We hold monthly regional dances, often on the 3rd Saturday of the month, at locations up and down the front range. See Monthly Regional Dance on the website for a list of upcoming dances and programs. The dances for each program are practiced in classes leading up to the regional.
Come join us to have fun and learn something new!
Website: http://www.scdcolorado.org
Stellar Days and Nights A fabulous dance weekend in the mountains in February. Check out their website.