Operational Policies
Originally Adopted by Board of Directors
April 23, 2006
Latest Amendments Adopted by Board of Directors
May 11, 2013 (other subsequent amendments dated inline)
Table of Contents
1.1 CFOOTMAD Mission Statement 4
1.2 Board. 4
1.3 Staff 4
1.4 Associates. 4
2.1 Global Governance Commitment 5
2.6 Board Members’ Code of Conduct 10
2.7 Board Committee Principles. 12
2.9 Board Tenure, Composition, and Recruitment 14
3.1. Global Board-Staff Interaction Policy. 15
3.2. Staff Appointment and Delegation. 16
3.4 Accountability of Staff 18
3.7. Monitoring Staff Performance. 21
4.1 Dance Series and Special Events. 24
4.2 Compensation of Performers, Coordinators and Sound Personnel 26
4.4 Promotion and Marketing. 28
4.5 Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD.. 30
4.6 Treasurer’s Petty Cash Policy. 32
5.1 Global Operational Commitment 33
5.2 Disruptive Dancer Policy. 34
6.4 Publicist 41
6.7. Membership Coordinator. 47
6.8 Webmaster. 48
1.1. CFOOTMAD Mission Statement: CFOOTMAD fosters the enjoyment and promotion of American traditional music and dance. CFOOTMAD welcomes all to participate in community events organized by its member dancers, performers, and volunteers.
1.2. Board: The Board of Directors of CFOOTMAD.
1.3. Staff Those CFOOTMAD volunteers appointed by the Board to fulfill primary functions within CFOOTMAD. See Board-Staff Interaction: Staff Appointment and Delegation.
1.4. Associates. CFOOTMAD volunteers not appointed by the Board.
1.5. Consent Agenda Items. Matters requiring Board approval, which are routine in nature and require little or no discussion or deliberation.
2.1. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Global Governance Commitment
The purpose of the board is to see to it that CFOOTMAD (1) fulfills its Mission Statement; (2) in doing so, achieves appropriate results at an appropriate cost; and (3) avoids unacceptable actions and situations.
2.2. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Governing Style
The Board will govern with an emphasis on (1) outward vision rather than internal preoccupation; (2) encouragement of diversity in viewpoints; (3) strategic leadership more than administrative detail; (4) clear distinction of Board and Staff roles; (5) collective rather than individual decisions; (6) future rather than past or present; and (7) pro-activity rather than reactivity.
1. The Board will cultivate a sense of group responsibility. The Board, not the Staff, will be responsible for excellence in governing. The Board will be the initiator of policy, not merely a reactor to Staff initiatives. The Board will use the expertise of individual members to enhance the ability of the Board as a body rather than to substitute the individual judgments for the Board’s values. The Board will allow no officer, individual, or committee of the Board to hinder or be an excuse for not fulfilling Board commitments.
2. The Board will direct, control, and inspire the organization through the careful establishment of broad written policies reflecting the Board’s values and perspectives about goals to be achieved and actions to be avoided. The Board’s major policy focus will be on the long-term goals of the organization, not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those goals.
3. The Board will enforce upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as attendance, preparation, policy-making principles, respect of roles and procedures, and ensuring continuance of governance capability. Continual Board development will include orientation of new Board members in the Board’s governance process and periodic Board discussion of process improvement.
a. Board members will use their best efforts to attend all Board meetings in a timely fashion. Should conflicts in scheduling arise, members shall promptly notify all other Board members so that efforts may be made to reschedule meetings to accommodate all Board members’schedules.
b. Board members will strive to attend a representative sample of CFOOTMAD functions during each calendar year, so that Board members have an appreciation for the various opportunities presented by CFOOTMAD for the benefit of its members and the general public
4. The Board will monitor and discuss the Board’s process and performance at each meeting. Self-monitoring will include comparison of Board activity and discipline to policies in the Governance Process and Board-Staff Interaction categories.
5. Board meetings shall be open except when discussing matter pertaining to personnel issues (Adopted 6/8/2008)
2.3. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Board Job Description
The job of the Board is to determine and require appropriate organizational performance.
1. The Board will produce written governing policies that, at the broadest levels, address each category of organizational decision.
a. Goals. Organizational products, effects, benefits, outcomes, recipients, and their relative worth (what good for which recipients at what cost).
b. Staff Job Descriptions. Definition of scope of responsibility and performance expectations for Staff positions.
c. Staff Limitations. Constraints on Staff authority that establish the prudence and ethics boundaries within which all Staff activity and decisions must take place.
d. Governance Process. Specification of how the Board conceives, carries out, and monitors its own tasks.
e. Board-Staff Interaction. How power is delegated and its proper use monitored; the role, authority, and accountability of Staff.
2. The Board will monitor the performance of Staff in conjunction with Goals and Staff Limitations policies.
2.4. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Agenda Planning
To accomplish its job with a governance style consistent with Board policies, the Board will follow an annual agenda that (1) completes re-exploration of Goals policies annually; and (2) continually improves Board performance through Board education and enriched input and deliberation.
1. The cycle will conclude each year at the end of CFOOTMAD’s fiscal year.
2. The cycle will start with the Board’s development of its agenda for the next year. Each annual agenda will include, at a minimum, the following topics:
a. Whether CFOOTMAD is fulfilling its Mission Statement and achieving its Goals, as adopted by the Board from time to time
b. Whether any additions or revisions are required to governance policies adopted by the Board, and adoption of annual or periodic economic limitations or financial constraints contemplated by those policies.
3. Regular and on-going consultation with Staff, key volunteers, and selected representatives of key constituencies (performers, volunteers, members) or other methods of gaining appropriate input will be determined and arranged throughout the fiscal year.
4. Governance and presentations by outside consultants, if applicable, will be arranged, as necessary and appropriate.
5. Throughout the year, the Board will attend to consent agenda items and agenda items requiring prompt attention as expeditiously as possible. Any items that by Board policy require Board approval will be attended to promptly.
6. Throughout the year, evaluation of Staff will be included on the agenda only if monitoring reports show policy violations or if policy criteria are to be reviewed.
2.5. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – President’s Role
The President assures the integrity of the Board’s process and, secondarily, occasionally represents the Board to outside parties.
1. The President is responsible for ensuring that the Board behaves consistently with its own rules and those legitimately imposed upon it from outside the organization.
2. Meeting discussion content will be only those issues, which, according to Board policy, clearly belong to the Board to decide.
3. Deliberation will be fair, open, and thorough but also timely, orderly, and kept to the point.
4. The President is empowered to chair Board meetings, with all commonly accepted power of that position (for example, preparation of meeting agendas and relevant supporting information, keeping Board meetings on task, and implementing traditional procedural rules as necessary).
5. The President has no authority to make decisions about policies created by the Board. Therefore, the President has no authority to supervise or direct the Staff.
6. The Board may delegate a spokesperson to communicate Board-stated positions to others, including the Staff. In the absence of delegation to another, the President shall represent the Board in delivering such communications.
2.6. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Board Members’ Code of Conduct
The Board commits itself and its members to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as Board members. Board members commit themselves to dedicate such time as is reasonably required to fulfill their responsibilities on the Board.
1. Board members must be loyal to the interests of CFOOTMAD. This accountability supersedes any conflicting loyalty such as that to interest groups, membership on other boards, or to any additional roles fulfilled by a Board member within CFOOTMAD, such as serving as a member of the Staff. It also supersedes the personal interest of any board member acting as a consumer of the organization’s services, or as a paid performer or Staff member.
2. Board members must avoid conflict of interest with respect to their fiduciary responsibility.
a. There must be no self-dealing or any conduct of private business or personal services between any Board member and CFOOTMAD except as procedurally controlled to assure openness, competitive opportunity, and equal access to inside information. No Board member shall deposit CFOOTMAD funds into a personal account without specific authorization approved 5/11/13)
b. When the Board is to decide upon an issue about which a Board member has an unavoidable conflict of interest, that Board member shall recuse herself or himself without comment from not only the vote but also from the deliberation, unless otherwise requested by those Board members without a conflict.
c. Board members will annually disclose their involvement with other organizations, with vendors, or any other associations that might produce a conflict.
d. Board members may not attempt to exercise individual authority over the organization except as explicitly set forth in board policies.
e. Board members’ interaction with Staff must recognize their own lack of authority except when explicitly Board-authorized.
f. Board members’ interactions with public, press, or other entities must recognize the same limitations and the lack of authority of any Board member to speak for the Board except to repeat explicitly stated Board decisions.
g. Board members are free to communicate their individual opinions of Staff performance, in the capacity as a dancer at, or performer at, CFOOTMAD events, only so long as it is clear that the communication is done in such a capacity, and not in the capacity of a Board member.
3. Board members will respect the confidentiality appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature.
2.7. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Board Committee Principles
The Board may appoint Board committees to assist it in performing its job, provided that no such committee shall interfere with delegation from Board to Staff.
1. Board committees are to help the Board do its job, never to help or advise the Staff. Committees ordinarily will assist the Board by preparing policy alternatives and implications for Board deliberation. In keeping with the Board’s broader focus, Board committees will normally not have dealings with current Staff operations.
2. Board committees may not speak or act for the Board except when formally given such authority for specific and time-limited purposes. Expectations and authority will be carefully stated in order not to conflict with authority delegated to the Staff.
3. Board committees cannot exercise authority over Staff.
2.8. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Cost of Governance
Because poor governance costs more than learning to govern well, the Board will invest in its governance capacity.
1. Board skills, methods, and training will be sufficient to assure governing with excellence.
a. Training and retraining will be used as appropriate to orient new members and candidates for membership, as well as to maintain and increase existing member skills and understandings.
b. Outside monitoring assistance may be arranged, as necessary, so that the Board can exercise confident control over organizational performance. This includes but is not limited to fiscal audit.
2. Costs will be prudently incurred, though not at the expense of endangering the development and maintenance of superior capability.
a. The Board may allocate up to $500 in each fiscal year for Board member training, including attendance at conferences and workshops.
2.9. POLICY TITLE: Governance Process – Board Tenure, Composition, and Recruitment
Continuity of representation, and the recruitment of qualified Board members, is essential to effective governance.
1. The terms of Board members shall be established in a manner consistent with CFOOTMAD’s ByLaws.
2. The recruitment of successor Board members shall be the responsibility of the Board, unless otherwise delegated by the Board. No Board member shall extend an offer of Board membership unless expressly authorized to do so by the Board.
3. In identifying suitable successor Board members, the Board shall consider those skills reasonably necessary to replace those of departing members and skills that are otherwise beneficial to the organization, and shall attempt to maintain a balance in Board representation of key constituencies (staff, performers, and dancers).
3.1. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction: Global Board-Staff Interaction Policy
The Board’s sole official connection to the operating organization’s achievements and conduct is through Staff appointed by the Board.
3.2. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction: Staff Appointment and Delegation
As used in this policy, “Staff” refers to staff members appointed to their positions directly by the Board. Staff consists of the categories below. Staff members are appointed by the Board, are directly responsible to the Board for carrying out their functions, and may be terminated by the Board at its discretion. Appointments made by the Board stay in effect unless revoked by the Board.
1) Coordinators of regularly scheduled events
2) Designated contacts for regular events run by committees
3) Coordinators of special events
4) Treasurer
5) Membership secretary
6) Newsletter editor
7) Webmaster
8) Grant writer
9) Equipment custodians
10) Bank account signers
Staff may create and fill other positions within CFOOTMAD (the “Associates”), to assist them in performing their functions and in seeing that CFOOTMAD events are operated soundly and in accordance with these policies. Staff is responsible for overseeing the job performance of Associates, and for assuring performance of the job functions delegated to Associates.
3.3. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction: Unity of Control
Only decisions of the Board acting as a body are binding on Staff.
3.4. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction - Accountability of Staff
Staff is responsible for the day-to-day operation of CFOOTMAD. Staff shall be accountable to the Board for CFOOTMAD’s operations and for performance of their designated tasks, in accordance with these policies and the Job Descriptions for Staff positions, including the job performance of Associates.
1. The Board will never give instructions to Associates.
2. The Board will refrain from evaluating Associates, either formally or informally, but may discuss their performance with Staff.
3. The Board will view each Staff member’s performance as identical to the performance of the event or activity for which the Staff member is responsible. So long as a Staff member achieves the goals identified by the Board associated with his/her position and in accordance with the job description for that position, and avoids actions proscribed by the Board, the Staff member will be viewed as having satisfactorily performed his/her job.
3.5. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction – Staff Succession
Each Staff member is responsible for finding and training an assistant capable of taking over his/her position. When a vacancy is expected, the incumbent Staff member will inform the Board of the recommended successor. The Board will assure that vacated Staff positions are filled promptly.
3.6. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction - Delegation to Staff
The Board instructs Staff through job descriptions and written policies that identify organizational goals to be achieved and situations and actions to be avoided.
The Board develops job descriptions for Staff positions outlining the primary responsibilities of each position.
The Board develops policies instructing Staff on the goals to be achieved.
The Board develops policies that limit the latitude Staff may exercise in choosing the means of achieving those goals.
Staff is authorized to establish all further policies, make all decisions, take all actions, establish all practices, and develop all activities, so long as the Staff’s actions represent an interpretation of the policies and goals of the Board deemed reasonable by the Board, and so long as Staff performs the Staff position in accordance with its job description.
The Board may change its job descriptions and policies on goals to be achieved and on Staff limitations. By doing so, the Board changes the latitude of choices given to Staff. But as long as any particular policy is in place, the Board will respect and support Staff actions consistent with that policy.
3.7. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction - Monitoring Staff Performance
Monitoring of staff performance will be solely on the basis of (1) performance in accordance with the job description for each position; (2) accomplishment of Board policies on goals to be achieved, and (3) operation within the boundaries established in Board policies on Staff limitations.
The purpose of monitoring is to determine the degree to which performance is consistent with job descriptions and Board policies are being met. Information that does not do this will not be considered in monitoring.
The Board acquires monitoring information through methods including:
By internal report, in which Staff disclose compliance information to the Board.
By direct Board inspection, participation, and discussion with participants and community members.
By any other method that the Board deems appropriate within the context of the other Board-Staff interaction policies.
In every case, the standard for compliance shall be objectively reasonable interpretation of the Board policy being monitored.
The Board will monitor Staff performance, and review policies that direct Staff performance, at a frequency and by a method chosen by the Board, which ordinarily (but not necessarily) will be on a regular schedule.
3.8. POLICY TITLE: Board-Staff Interaction- Discipline of Staff
The Board is responsible for ensuring that Staff appointed by it meet the standards and expectations of the Board and the CFOOTMAD dance community and comply with the policies adopted by the Board. Accordingly,
1. The Board shall monitor the Staff in accordance with the policy on Monitoring Staff Performance (“Monitoring”). In addition, if the Board becomes aware of concerns regarding the performance of any Staff, the Board may conduct additional investigation into such performance issues by any methods the Board deems appropriate (“Investigation”).
2. As a result of Monitoring and Investigation, the Board may determine that:
a. The performance of the Staff member is satisfactory;
b. The performance of the Staff member requires improvement;
c. The performance of the Staff member is unsatisfactory.
3. Performance Requiring Improvement
If the Board determines that the performance of the Staff member requires improvement, the Board shall provide written notice to the Staff member of the noted areas of deficiency in performance, will define the performance expectations of the Board, and will identify the specific tasks required of the Staff member to meet the Board’s expectations. The Board shall establish an appropriate time-frame within which the Staff member may address the deficiencies in performance. One or more Board members shall meet in person with the Staff member to discuss the deficiencies and areas of needed improvement. The Board shall review the Staff member’s performance again at the end of the time-frame defined by the Board for remedying the deficiencies. If the Board determines that all deficiencies have been addressed, the Board shall so advise the Staff member. If the Board determines that deficiencies in performance remain, the Board may provide further notice to the Staff member, in accordance with this Paragraph 3. Alternatively, the Board may determine that the Staff member’s failure to address the deficiencies adequately render the Staff member’s performance unsatisfactory.
4. Unsatisfactory Performance
If the Board determines that the performance of a Staff member is unsatisfactory, the Board will either:
a. Place the Staff member on written probation, identifying the areas of unacceptable performance and identifying the specific tasks required of the Staff member to meet the Board’s standards. The Board shall establish an appropriate time-frame within which the Staff member may address the unsatisfactory performance. The Board shall review the Staff member’s performance again at the end of the probationary period. If the Board determines that the Staff member’s performance continues to be unsatisfactory, the Board may terminate the Staff member;
b. Immediately terminate a Staff member, without prior written notice or probationary period, if the Board determines that the Staff member has engaged in:
i. Misuse, theft, or destruction of CFOOTMAD property or equipment;
ii. Theft or improper use of CFOOTMAD funds including any unauthorized transfer of CFOOTMAD funds to a personal account (approved 5/11/2013)
iii. Falsification of CFOOTMAD records;
iv. Harassment, physical violence, or other improper conduct at CFOOTMAD events;
v. Other action that, in the judgment of the Board, subjects CFOOTMAD to unacceptable risk of loss, damage to the reputation of CFOOTMAD, or risk of liability for the Staff member’s actions or if the Board determines that termination is otherwise in the best interests of CFOOTMAD.
4.1. POLICY TITLE: Fiscal Policy – Dance Series and Special Events
The Board is responsible for ensuring the fiscal soundness of CFOOTMAD. Accordingly,
1. CFOOTMAD’s fiscal year shall be a calendar year.
2. As grant awards are announced for particular series, the Board shall promptly communicate to the series coordinators the amounts awarded to their series. To the extent grants are not awarded for a particular series, the Board shall promptly determine the amount of the grant to be allocated to each series. The Board may also make recommendations to the series coordinators regarding the expenditure of the grant funds awarded.
3. On an annual basis, by October 31 of each year, the Board will communicate to each series coordinator preliminary budget goals for their series for the next fiscal year. The Board will work with the coordinators in establishing final annual performance goals for each regular dance series, taking into consideration historic financial performance of each series, any anticipated changes in operating overhead or revenues, the vision statement of the series, and available grant funds. These goals shall define the financial contribution each series is expected to make to CFOOTMAD’s operating overhead, if any, or the amount of financial support the series anticipates requiring from CFOOTMAD.
On an annual basis, by December 31 of each year, each dance series coordinator shall submit a proposed operating budget for his or her dance series for the next fiscal year. Such budget shall be consistent with the budget goals agreed to with the Board, and shall include any special events contemplated by that coordinator during the next fiscal year. (Adopted 12/9/2007)
3. The Board recognizes that the financial performance of a series may vary during the course of a fiscal year, due to many factors beyond the control of the series coordinator, and due to the opportunity to present special events not anticipated upon the completion of the original budget. Series coordinators may update their operating budgets, from time to time, and shall communicate significant changes in operating budgets, amounting to at least a 10% total variance in the series’ proposed revenues or expenses, to the Board.
4. Each dance series coordinator is free to set the admission price for each dance series within that coordinator’s discretion, in order to achieve the financial goals established by the Board; provided, however, that members shall receive a membership discount off the admission price available to the general public of at least 10%, or $1, whichever is more, and students shall receive a discount off the admission price available to the general public of at least 50%(adopted 9/1/12). Special events are excluded from this membership discount admission requirement (Adopted 11/14/2011) (Cross reference to pg 27 Fiscal Policy Memberships 4.3.1) In setting the admission price for his/her series, the coordinator shall keep in mind CFOOTMAD’s mission statement and goals, including the goal of presenting events that are affordable to public.
5. Each dance series coordinator is free to compensate performers, sound personnel, and the series coordinator at CFOOTMAD events in a fashion designed to achieve the vision statement, financial, and other goals for the dance series; provided that each coordinator shall comply with any Board policies setting forth the minimum compensation for performers, series coordinators, and sound personnel.
6. The coordinator of a proposed special event which will not be part of a regularly scheduled dance series shall present a plan and budget to the Board for review and approval sufficiently in advance of the scheduled event to provide for review of the proposal.
A special event is an event scheduled outside of a regularly scheduled time for an ongoing series, or for which the admission charge is more than two dollars higher than the regular admission. Boulder and Denver dances held on a Sunday are considered special events. Workshops not held during a regularly scheduled dance series time are considered special events (Adopted 1/8/2011)
7) Special Dance Weekends: Up to three times per year, a Special Dance Weekend may be proposed to combine our regional resources to bring extraordinary performers from out of town. A special weekend coordinator will submit a budget proposal to the Boards of the cooperating organizations for approval 3 months before the month of the proposed event.
This budget will include best estimates of each venue’s regular expenses, as well as specifics regarding performer guarantees, airfares, car rental, meals, lodging, equipment rental, etc. The special weekend coordinator will work with the cooperating organizations to set admission prices for the weekend, and plan publicity.
When/if a Special Dance Weekend budget proposal is approved by the cooperating Boards of Directors, the special weekend coordinator will ask for cooperation from the appropriate series coordinators and convene any special dance weekend teams needed for the venues.
Up to three times per year, with Board approval, a Special Dance Weekend will take priority and the special weekend coordinator can effectively “bump” any regular series dance, so long as the regular coordinator/s is/are informed 3 months in advance. Should a regular series coordinator decline to cooperate by failing to sign on within 2 months the special weekend coordinator will assemble a special dance event team to act in their stead.
There are three types of dance expenses for Special Dance Weekends:
(1) Individual Dance Expenses for each dance that correspond with the regular expenses incurred for that venue’s periodic dances, incorporating the performer guarantees budgeted by the special weekend coordinator.
(2) Special Dance Weekend Expenses: extraordinary expenses such as travel (airline tickets, car rental, meals and or lodging for performers), equipment rental, and advertising costs such as printing.
(3) Profit Split with performers after a successful Dance Weekend.
The following financial procedures will be effective for all Special Dance Weekends agreed to by the CFOOTMAD Board of Directors and implemented by the CFOOTMAD Special Weekend Coordinator in conjunction with the Coordinators of the various dance venues and/or designated special dance event teams.
Each dance venue will pay the regular (1) Individual Dance Expenses of its own dance. All these expenses are venue specific. Each venue will pay the performer guarantees specified by the special weekend coordinator in the approved Special Dance Weekend budget. Each venue will pay its regular teacher, sound tech, coordinator, regular hall rent, appropriate refreshments, and security expenses (if any). No extra expenses should be paid by the venue coordinators unless specified in the budget proposal approved by the BOD for that special weekend. A venue coordinator may be held responsible for reimbursing any such non-approved payments. The dance venue coordinators will handle any non-dance revenue/expense such as memberships or organization-specific donation income in the usual way. They will then deposit remaining funds as soon as possible into the normal accounts.
All venue coordinators will submit copies of their dance sheets immediately after that individual event concludes to the Special Weekend Coordinator or to a Finance Committee representative.
After all special dance venue sheets are received, a Finance Committee representative alone will add up the remaining revenue from each individual dance to determine the Gross Weekend Event Profit.
The Finance Committee representative alone will then deduct (2) Special Dance Weekend Expenses from the Gross Special Dance Weekend Profit on the form.
IF there is still some profit remaining, the Special Dance Coordinator will approve the (3) Profit Split to the performers, and a Finance Committee representative will see that the performers are paid in a timely manner. This payment may be in check form if cash on hand is not sufficient, or if the final accounting is not completed by the time the performers depart. (If there is no Gross Weekend Profit, then the performers will be paid only their guarantee.)
In the event that there is a net profit for the weekend and all venues show a profit, then the net profit will be allocated among the venues proportionally based on gross door revenue.
In the event that there is a net profit for the weekend, with losses experienced by one or more venues, those venues experiencing losses will be brought to a zero net profit by allocating profit to the losing venues.
In the event that there is a net loss for the weekend (with one or more venues showing a profit), the profit at the profitable venue(s) will be reduced to zero and the loss allocated to the losing venues on the basis of door revenue.
In the event there is a net loss for the weekend and all venues have negative profit then the negative profit will be allocated to all venues on the basis of door revenue.
This allocation has the effect of equalizing costs per dollar of revenue consistent with limiting losses to the extent possible.
Even though venue revenue and costs are computed in this way, because this is a dance weekend only the parent organizations are credited with profits or losses and contribute or accrue profits or losses for their organizations. Any required adjustments between organizations will be made within 1 month of the last dance in the special dance weekend.
4.2. POLICY TITLE – Fiscal Policy – Compensation of Performers, Coordinators and Sound Personnel
The Board is responsible for ensuring the fiscal soundness of CFOOTMAD while, at the same time, ensuring that performers and Staff are appropriately compensated for their contributions to CFOOTMAD.
Accordingly, without prior Board approval,
1. Series coordinators shall pay musicians at CFOOTMAD events no less than $50 per person, for bands of up to four musicians; and $40 per person for bands of five musicians, and declining proportionately for bands larger than that, so the total minimum compensation to the bands larger than 4 members totals $200.
2. Series coordinators shall pay callers no less than $50 per event.
3. Sound personnel shall be paid no less than $25 per event, plus an additional $10 for transportation of sound equipment, if applicable; provided that sound personnel shall be paid no more than the amount paid the most highly paid performer at the event.
4. Series coordinators may pay themselves no more than $50 per event.
5. Nothing in this policy shall preclude any performer, coordinator, or sound person from donating their services to CFOOTMAD.
6. The Board shall periodically, but no less than annually, review this policy to confirm that it continues to meet CFOOTMAD’s goals.
7. Special weekend events shared between CFOOTMAD and FOTD will follow this guideline: There are two types of dance expenses for Special Dances. (1) There are Dance Expenses for the individual dance that roughly correspond with the expenses incurred for periodic dances. These expenses exclude the profit split for performers, extraordinary expenses such as travel (airline tickets, car rental, meals and or lodging for performers), or profit for the various sponsoring groups (CFOOTMAD, FOTD, or others identified at the time). These non- Dance Expenses are called Weekend Expenses. The following financial procedures will be effective for all Special Dances agreed to by the CFOOTMAD Board of Directors and implemented by the CFOOTMAD Special Dance Coordinator in conjunction with the Coordinators of the various dance venues. Each dance venue will pay the dance expenses of its own dance. All these expenses are venue specific. These dance expenses include the Performer Guarantee for musicians and caller, sound tech, coordinator, hall rent, appropriate refreshments, and security costs (if any). The specific Dance Coordinators will handle any non-dance revenue/expense such as memberships or dance specific donations in the usual way. Remaining revenue from the venue for the Special Dance will be pooled with the remaining revenue from the other venues for the Special Dance. The pool of remaining revenue is the Gross Profit for the Special Dance. All coordinators for the Special Dance including the CFOOTMAD Special Dance Coordinator will meet after all the Gross Profit is pooled for all the venues. At that time Weekend Expenses will be paid from the pool. Travel Expense incurred will be paid as agreed, the profit split for the performers will be decided and paid. Positive or negative balances remaining in the pool after the Weekend Expenses will be allocated equally among the venues participating in the Special Dance. (approved 8/11/12)
4.3. Policy Title: Fiscal Policy – Memberships
The Board is responsible for ensuring the fiscal soundness of CFOOTMAD, while providing appropriate recognition and benefits to members who choose to join the organization, and to establish categories of special and honorary membership to recognize the contributions made by key volunteers and supporters.
1. The membership prices for individual memberships of CFOOTMAD shall be $20.00 payable annually; and the membership prices for family memberships of CFOOTMAD shall be $30.00, payable annually. (memberships increased by BOD 6/8/2008) The Board may establish benefits of membership from time to time. Those benefits shall include, but need not be limited to, a discount in admission price to all regular (Adopted 12/11/11) (cross reference to pg 24 Fiscal Policy 4.1.4) CFOOTMAD events from the admission price paid by the general public and entitlement to receive complimentary copies of the CFOOTMAD newsletter.
2. The membership database shall be considered proprietary and confidential to CFOOTMAD. The information contained in the membership database shall not be used for commercial or political (Adopted 12/11/11) purposes unrelated to the purposes of CFOOTMAD, without express Board approval.
3. All current dance coordinators shall be “Dance Coordinator Honorary Members.” The benefits of this Honorary Membership category shall be free admission, if they so desire, to all regularly scheduled CFOOTMAD dance series. The Board creates this special membership to recognize the work that goes into coordinating a dance. Additionally, the Board recognizes the importance of coordinators learning from and supporting the work of other coordinators. As provided in the ByLaws, this Honorary Membership category does not entitle its members to vote in any CFOOTMAD elections, unless those members also pay dues to CFOOTMAD.
4. The Board may, from time to time, establish additional categories of honorary and special membership and define the benefits available to those members.
4.4. POLICY TITLE – Fiscal Policy – Promotion and Marketing
The Board is responsible for ensuring the fiscal soundness of CFOOTMAD, including ensuring the proper promotion of CFOOTMAD events to its members and the general public.
1. The annual budgets presented by series coordinators and the special events budgets presented by their coordinators shall include promotional expenses directly related to those series and special events.
2. The Attic Windows Newsletter editor shall prepare and submit to the Board, by November 30 of each year, a proposed budget for the preparation and dissemination of the Newsletter for the next fiscal year. If the Attic Windows Newsletter editor requests, a separate bank account will be maintained by CFOOTMAD for expenses of publishing the newsletter.
3. The Board shall establish a rate sheet for prices to be charged to the general public for inclusion of promotional materials for non-CFOOTMAD events in the Newsletter; provided, however, that no charges will be assessed for the inclusion of dance information in the calendar portion of the Newsletter, or for events promoted by Friends of Traditional Dance and by similar non-profit organizations promoting contra and community dance events throughout Colorado. The rate sheet should contemplate, at a minimum, charging the advertiser for the extra costs of copies, insertion, and increased postage occasioned by the inclusion of the promotional materials.
4. Whenever the Attic Windows Newsletter editor accepts paid advertising for including in the Attic Windows, the editor shall notify the Treasurer of that fact, so that the Treasurer may prepare a written invoice for submission to the advertiser.
5. The webmaster of CFOOTMAD’s web site shall prepare and submit to the Board, by November 30 of each year, a proposed budget for the maintenance and enhancement of CFOOTMAD’s web site for the next fiscal year.
6. The publicist shall prepare and submit to the Board, by November 30 of each year, a proposed budget for general publicity for CFOOTMAD events, excluding publicity budgeted by the series and special events coordinators directly, and excluding the budgets for the Attic Windows Newsletter and web site.
7. The membership coordinator shall prepare and submit to the Board, by November 30 of each year, a proposed budget for the maintenance of CFOOTMAD’s membership data, for the sending of renewal notices, and for the printing and mailing of the membership directory. (Adopted 12/11/11)
8. The treasurer shall prepare and submit to the Board, by November 30 of each year, a proposed budget for accounting, reporting, and administrative expenses not otherwise presented in budgets by series or special event coordinators, membership coordinator, newsletter editor, webmaster, or publicist. (Adopted 12/11/2011)
4.5. POLICY TITLE – Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD
The Board is responsible for ensuring the fiscal soundness of CFOOTMAD while, at the same time, ensuring that Staff have the authority necessary to perform their positions efficiently. This policy applies to written and verbal agreements reflecting commitments made on behalf of CFOOTMAD, or which expose CFOOTMAD to liability.
Accordingly, without prior Board approval:
1. series coordinators may execute lease agreements on behalf of CFOOTMAD for the lease of facilities for the presentation of series and special events, so long as such leases last no longer than one year, so long as such contracts are consistent with the Board-approved budget therefore, and provided that series coordinators work together to negotiate one contract for the use of each facility for all series and special events at that facility;
2. series coordinators may execute contracts on behalf of CFOOTMAD with performers so long as such contracts are consistent with Board-approved budgets for the series;
3. series coordinators and sound personnel may execute contracts on behalf of CFOOTMAD for the rental of equipment necessary for the presentation of CFOOTMAD events, provided that such equipment leases last no longer than thirty days and call for rent of no more than $250.
4. series coordinators and equipment custodians may authorize the repair of equipment, or purchase new equipment necessary for the presentation of CFOOTMAD events, provided that no individual contract or purchase price may be for an amount in excess of $250.00.
5. the Membership Coordinator, or his/her designee, may execute contracts on behalf of CFOOTMAD for the printing of membership directories to be mailed periodically to CFOOTMAD members so long as such contracts are consistent with the Board-approved budget therefor;
6. the Newsletter Editor, or his/her designee, may execute contracts on behalf of CFOOTMAD for the printing of the CFOOTMAD Newsletter, so long as such contracts are consistent with the Board-approved budget therefor;
7. the Webmaster, or his/her designee, may execute contracts on behalf of CFOOTMAD for the hosting of CFOOTMAD’s web-site, so long as such contracts are consistent with the Board-approved budget therefor; and
8. the Publicist, or his/her designee, may execute contracts on behalf of CFOOTMAD for the advertising and promotion of CFOOTMAD events, so long as such contracts are consistent with the Board-approved budget therefore.
9. Equipment Custodians may execute Equipment Use Agreements allowing others to use CFOOTMAD equipment on behalf of CFOOTMAD, so long as such Agreements are consistent with Board policy regarding third party use of CFOOTMAD equipment.
All other contracts that purport to bind CFOOTMAD must be approved by the Board prior to execution.
4.6. POLICY TITLE – Fiscal Policy – Treasurer’s Petty Cash Policy (amended 2/14/2015)
1. Purpose of petty cash
a. Provided to event coordinators, who are responsible for adherence to this policy.
b. Primary purpose is to make change for event entry fees and to pay event expenses specified on the Dance Sheet.
2. Petty cash amount
a. Set by Treasurer in consultation with event coordinators.
3. Safekeeping
a. CFOOTMAD petty cash is to be kept physically separate from the coordinator's personal funds and from all other funds, and is to be kept in the cash box.
c. Between events, cash box is to be kept in a safe location; coordinator to take all reasonable precautions.
4. Operations
a. Cash box is to be present at events for which it is intended.
b. Any expenses or purchases except for performer pay, hall rent, and profit sharing should be supported by receipts.
c. After each event, balance should be returned to authorized amount:
i. If event receipts exceeded payments, the excess is to be deposited in the CFOOTMAD checking account within five days; coordinator either makes the deposit or provides it to the Treasurer (or another coordinator) to be deposited.
ii. If payments exceed receipts, the coordinator replenishes it within five days by requesting that the Treasurer or another authorized check signer provide a check or funds.
d. Petty cash tally must always be included on the event report (dance sheet) provided to the Treasurer.
4. Best Practices
a. A minimum of two individuals should be involved in counting the cash and making out the dance sheet for each dance/event.
b. CFOOTMAD funds should remain in the cash box or be deposited in the CFOOTMAD account at the bank. Money should never be "borrowed" from the cash box by any individual in control of the cash box. The borrower puts their honesty and integrity in question, and these are very important attributes for people having a fiduciary responsibility for handling cash for others.
b. The BOD can accept that occasionally there will be errors made counting cash and accounting for it. What we cannot accept is those who control CFOOTMAD cash boxes opening themselves up to criticism because of lax procedures handling that cash. When errors are made they should be openly identified and corrected as errors.
b. The BOD itself has a fiduciary responsibilty for all CFOOTMAD funds/assets at all times and expects those handling cash boxes to act in a manner that is above reproach.
5.1. POLICY TITLE – Operations – Global Operational Commitment
Staff commit themselves to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including accountability for the performance of their jobs, as set forth in these policies, proper use of authority, recognition of the limitations on such authority imposed by these policies and other Board directives, and appropriate decorum when acting on behalf of CFOOTMAD. Staff commit themselves to dedicate such time as is reasonably required to fulfill their responsibilities.
In their interactions with each other, and with consumers of CFOOTMAD events, including, but not limited to, dancers, performers, and volunteers, Staff shall not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision or organizational circumstance that is unlawful, imprudent, or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics. Staff shall not take any actions, or cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions, that are unsafe, undignified, subject CFOOTMAD to unreasonable risk of loss, or otherwise impair the reputation of CFOOTMAD.
Staff shall not use CFOOTMAD membership or volunteer data for commercial or political solicitation. (Adopted 12/11/11)
5.2. POLICY TITLE – Operations – Disruptive Dancer Policy
The Board is responsible for ensuring that all CFOOTMAD events present a safe and non-threatening environment to all participants.
The following actions constitute unacceptable behavior at CFOOTMAD events, and shall constitute grounds for any series or special event coordinator to order any person to leave the premises of the event:
- Rough or potentially injurious contact with others, thereby disclosing a reckless disregard for the safety of others.
- Unwanted pursuit, harassment, or pestering of another person.
- Loud, unruly conduct during an event.
- Dirty, smelly, drunken or otherwise repulsive deportment.
Verbal complaint by any reasonable attending person, or witness by the event or series coordinator, shall be grounds for admonishing or removing the offending person. Continued violation of the norms of orderly conduct shall be grounds for terminating membership and permanently barring attendance for a period of time to be determined by the Board.
6.1. Job Description – Series Coordinators
It is the responsibility of each series coordinator to ensure that the series coordinated by that coordinator is presented and promoted in an efficient and sustaining fashion, consistent with CFOOTMAD’s mission statement.
1. Each series coordinator is responsible for assuring that his/her events are operated in a safe and welcoming fashion, that the events start on time, and that key volunteer positions, including collection of door receipts, setup and cleanup, and refreshments, are filled.
2. Each series coordinator is responsible for scheduling performers, retaining sound personnel, and retaining lesson instructors, if applicable, reasonably in advance of the publication deadlines imposed by the Attic Windows Newsletter editor, and to facilitate the coordination of scheduling set forth in greater detail in Paragraphs 7 and 9 below.
3. Each series coordinator is responsible for completing dance financial reports as defined by the Finance Committee, and providing the Finance Committee with information on door receipts and event expenses, within fifteen days after conclusion of the event, so that the Finance Committee may maintain accurate and timely books and records of CFOOTMAD. (Adopted 6/11/2011)
Each series coordinator is responsible for making bank deposits within five business days after conclusion of an event. No Series coordinator shall deposit CFOOTMAD funds into a personal account without specific authorization. (approved 5/11/13)
5. Each series coordinator is responsible for ensuring payment, in a timely fashion, of all financial obligations of the series.
6. Each series coordinator shall be responsible for developing a policies and procedures manual for the series, with a copy of the manual to be delivered to the Board, which manual will include an overall vision statement for the series and will set out all information reasonably necessary for the operation of that series.
7. Each series coordinator shall be responsible for providing to the Attic Windows Newsletter editor and the Publicist, on a timely basis, information required for the proper promotion of that series’ events, and for proofreading drafts of the Attic Windows and other promotional materials for his/her series, to ensure all information is correctly presented.
8. Each series coordinator shall recruit and train an assistant coordinator who shall be capable of running the series in the absence of the coordinator. Series coordinators are expected and encouraged to delegate job responsibilities to ensure the prompt completion of all tasks, the training of volunteers to fill key positions, and the smooth succession of dance coordinators. When a vacancy in a series coordinator position is expected, the series coordinator will inform the Board of the recommended successor.
9. Each series coordinator is responsible for conferring with other series coordinators (and considering the schedule of FOTD), regarding scheduling, including dates of events, musicians and callers. The goal of coordination is to fulfill CFOOTMAD’s mission statement, the vision statement of each series, and to minimize scheduling conflicts.
10. Each series coordinator is responsible for preparing and submitting an annual budget to the Board, as provided for in Fiscal Policy – Dance Series and Special Events, and for updating that budget as needed during the year.
11. Each series coordinator is responsible for using grant funds allocated to that series in accordance with any terms and conditions that may be imposed on the use of those funds by the granting organization.
12. Each series coordinator may only enter into contracts on behalf of CFOOTMAD in accordance with the Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD.
13. Each series coordinator shall operate his/her events in accordance with the Fiscal Policy – Dance Series and Special Events, Fiscal Policy – Compensation of Performers, Coordinators and Sound Personnel,
14. The Board may, from time to time, establish policies regarding the maximum tenure of series coordinators.
15. In the absence of the series coordinator from an event, the coordinator shall designate a readily identifiable individual substitute to perform the responsibilities of the coordinator for the event. Comments and concerns about a CFOOTMAD event, including those about inappropriate behavior, should be brought promptly to the attention of the series coordinator or designated substitute. (Adopted 3/14/2009)
16. Series coordinators shall make an announcement at each dance recognizing Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) support when the event is supported in part by SCFD grant money. (Adopted 8/26/2011)
6.2. Job Description– Grantwriter
It is the responsibility of the Board to ensure that CFOOTMAD’s events are funded from all available sources of revenue, including through grants from public and private sources.
1. Subject to the limitations set forth in the following paragraphs, the Grantwriter is responsible for identifying potential sources of grant funds for CFOOTMAD, for preparing and submitting grant applications on a timely basis, and for defending any grant applications submitted before funding source review panels.
2. For so long as CFOOTMAD remains eligible to receive general operation or project funding from any County within the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (the “SCFD”),the Grantwriter will be responsible for submitting grant applications to all Counties within the SCFD from which CFOOTMAD is eligible for funding. Such grants shall seek general operating support and/or program support for regularly scheduled dance series, in accordance with the guidelines established by the SCFD and each County. Coordinating staff shall provide the Grantwriter with the information reasonably required for completion of the applications. The grantwriter will not seek Special Purpose Funding, as defined below, unless requested to do so by a coordinating staff member or other person willing to assume responsibility for coordination of the event to be funded by the grant, and only when the proposed event has received any necessary Board approval in accordance with the Fiscal Policy – Dance Series and Special Events..
3. The Grantwriter shall investigate and communicate the potential for available funds (whether from the SCFD or other funding sources) to coordinating staff, identifying relevant deadlines, grant purposes, dollar limits, and other information from which series coordinators and coordinating staff can determine whether to seek special funding for a series, special event, workshop, or other CFOOTMAD program (“Special Purpose Funding”).
4. If a coordinating staff member communicates the desire to seek Special Purpose Funding to the Grantwriter, the Grantwriter shall work with the coordinating staff member to prepare and submit the appropriate grant applications. The coordinating staff member shall be responsible for providing information reasonably required by the Grantwriter for completion of the grant application, including a description of the purpose of the funding and a budget. The Grantwriter shall not be required, but may agree, to submit grant applications for Special Purpose Funding to one funding organization seeking amounts less than $1,000.00. If a coordinating staff member wishes to seek Special Purpose Funding for an amount less than $1,000.00, and the Grantwriter elects not to prepare the grant application, the Grantwriter shall provide the coordinating staff member with the information reasonably required by the member to complete the application himself or herself.
5. The Grantwriter shall promptly communicate all grant awards, and any conditions or restrictions placed on grand awards, to the coordinating staff. The coordinating staff member responsible for each series or Special Purpose project awarded grant funds shall be responsible for insuring compliance with all such conditions or restrictions.
6. The Grantwriter shall prepare and submit on a timely basis all final reports required by a funding source regarding the use of grant funds. In coordination with the Treasurer, coordinating staff shall timely provide the Grantwriter with all information requested by the Grantwriter necessary for the completion of the final reports.
7. The Grantwriter shall maintain records of all grant applications submitted, and all grant awards received by CFOOTMAD.
8. The Grantwriter shall comply with the provisions of the Board-Staff Interaction – Staff Succession policy.
6.3. Job Description– Newsletter Editor
It is the responsibility of the Board to ensure that the schedule of CFOOTMAD’s events are readily available to the members of CFOOTMAD as well as to the general public, via the Attic Windows newsletter.
1. Subject to the limitations set forth in the following paragraphs, the Newsletter Editor is responsible for having the Attic Windows newsletter edited, printed, and e-mailed to the printer by the 10th of the month preceding the first date in the new newsletter. The newsletter shall be sent to all current members at no additional charge beyond their dues.
2. The Newsletter Editor is responsible for communicating with dance coordinators of all of the CFOOTMAD dance series, in a timely manner, to gather the information needed for the calendar section in each newsletter. However, the newsletter shall not be made late waiting for information from dance series coordinators, after sufficient attempts to gain pertinent information.
3. The Newsletter Editor shall allow for and encourage articles that are of interest and import to the CFOOTMAD community, to be published in the Attic Windows. Articles shall include, but are not limited to, the following topics: Educating the membership about dance etiquette, dance tips, dance history etc. Sharing community news. Honoring people in the community. The Newsletter Editor has the authority to edit any articles printed.
4. Information about other non-profit dance and music events in the area shall be allowed in the newsletter should space be available after CFOOTMAD events are described and promoted, and then at the editor’s discretion. Calendar pages shall be limited to CFOOTMAD events, unless an outside organization agrees to a reciprocal relationship and also lists CFOOTMAD events on their printed calendar and website. (Adopted 12/11/2011)
5. Fliers shall be accepted as inserts for CFOOTMAD events for free, and at a charge for related events, in accordance with the rate sheet established from time to time by the Board. The Newsletter Editor shall have the discretion to accept or reject any non-CFOOTMAD fliers.
6. Classified advertisements, which are related to CFOOTMAD’s mission, may be accepted in accordance with the rate sheets established from time to time by the Board, as space is available.
7. Preliminary proofs of the newsletter shall be distributed to all dance coordinators and other relevant people, prior to publication, thus allowing coordinators to check the accuracy of the information.
8. The Newsletter Editor shall have the authority to delegate tasks to others, but shall retain responsibility for the end result.
9. The Newsletter editor is responsible for training an assistant who knows the job and can take over when the editor resigns.
10. The editor shall archive a copy of each newsletter, either electronically or in hard copy, and pass the file on to the next Newsletter editor.
11. The Newsletter Editor shall comply with the provisions of the Board-Staff Interaction – Staff Succession policy, with the Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD, and with the Fiscal Policy – Promotion and Marketing.
6.4. Job Description– Publicist
It is the responsibility of the Board to ensure that information about CFOOTMAD’s events is made available to the general public so as to encourage attendance and participation in CFOOTMAD events.
1. Subject to the limitations set forth in the following paragraphs, the Publicist is responsible for identifying sources by which information about CFOOTMAD and its activities can be disseminated. Such sources may include publications, broadcast outlets, and other appropriate means.
2. The Publicist shall communicate with coordinating staff regarding promotion of CFOOTMAD and its series and events.
3. The Publicist shall provide timely information to the above sources in consideration of submittal deadlines and preferred format, and taking into account geographical, demographical and other pertinent factors.
4. The Publicist shall recruit and train an assistant Publicist who shall be capable of carrying out the above activities in the absence of the Publicist.
5. The Publicist shall work with the various coordinating staff and other interested parties to identify additional groups to target and additional means of publicizing CFOOTMAD events.
6. The Publicist shall submit an annual budget for general CFOOTMAD publicity. The Publicist shall have discretion in the use of such funds, but shall communicate with coordinating staff and the BOD to make effective use of such funds.
7. The Publicist shall comply with the provisions of the Board-Staff Interaction – Staff Succession policy, with the Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD, and with the Fiscal Policy – Promotion and Marketing.
6.5. Job Description – Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that the organization’s financial assets and records are adequately maintained, protected, and safeguarded.
Accordingly, the Treasurer shall:
1. Maintain accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, with the following exceptions.
a. The Treasurer is not required to record in the accounting records the fair market value of donated services that would otherwise be purchased.
2. Safeguard the organization’s accounting records and files so as to protect them from loss or significant damage.
3. Recommend to the Board, and monitor, procedures and systems to safeguard the organization’s financial assets.
4. Provide financial statements to the Board and Staff at least annually, based upon the accounting records. The financial statements are to include a Statement of Financial Position (balance sheet) and Statement of Activities (income statement), and such other reports as the Board may request.
5. File all reports required to maintain the organization’s tax-exempt status, including but not limited to:
a. Annual federal Form 990 and related schedules
b. Colorado annual report filed with Secretary of State
6. Prepare and distribute annual Forms 1099-MISC as required by federal law.
7. Prepare invoices for paid advertisements and fliers inserted in the Attic Windows newsletter and monitor their collection.
8. Make recommendations to the Board regarding the organization’s insurance needs and policies.
9. Provide the grant writer with information as needed by the grant writer to fulfill his/her functions.
10. Work with dance series coordinators as described in the Board policy for dance series and special events.
11. Work with the Board of Directors’ Finance Committee to streamline procedures and track reporting compliance (Adopted 11/12/2011)
12. Prepare and submit to the Board, by November 30 of each year, a proposed budget for accounting, reporting, and administrative expenses not otherwise presented in a budget by series or special event coordinators, membership coordinator, newsletter editor, webmaster, or publicist. (Adopted 12/11/2011)
13. Promptly inform the Board of the following events and circumstances, should they come to the treasurer’s attention:
a. Events or circumstances that threaten the organization’s tax-exempt status
b. Actual or potential material misappropriation of the organization’s assets
c. Events or circumstances that threaten the organization’s financial stability
d. Any other financial circumstance or events that come to the treasurer’s attention that violate Board policy.
14. The Treasurer shall comply with the provisions of the Board-Staff Interaction – Staff Succession policy, with the Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD, and with the Fiscal Policy – Promotion and Marketing.
6.6. Job Description – Equipment Custodian
Those who have custody of equipment belonging to the organization shall be responsible for ensuring that it is safeguarded, used in a manner consistent with Board policy, and adequately maintained.
Accordingly, equipment custodians shall:
1. Protect the equipment from loss or significant damage.
2. Ensure that the equipment is available for the organization’s events.
3. Ensure that the equipment is used only in accordance with Board policy.
4. Ensure that equipment is not subjected to improper wear and tear or insufficient maintenance.
5. Allow use of CFOOTMAD equipment for non-CFOOTMAD purposes only by adequately trained and supervised personnel, and only in accordance with the Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD, and upon execution of an Equipment Use Agreement.
6. Ensure that equipment is used in a safe manner that does not unnecessarily expose the organization, Board, or staff to claims of liability.
7. Provide to the Treasurer a list of all equipment in custody:
a. When it is originally received; and
b. By January 31 of each year.
8. Inform the treasurer within 10 business days of any equipment loss or damage.
Policy requirements for Sound Equipment Custodians
Sound Equipment Custodians are responsible for keeping the equipment under their care available in working order for use for CFOOTMAD sponsored events. The Custodian must also ensure that no individual or organization profits from the use of CFOOTMAD sound equipment. Equipment may be loaned for events not sponsored by CFOOTMAD if, at the discretion of the Custodian, there would be a low probability of damage. An allowable exception to the no profit requirement is a charitable fundraising event for the benefit of a member of the CFOOTMAD community. If an insurance policy covering the equipment is in effect, it is the Custodian’s responsibility to be aware of any restrictions the insurance policy places on the use of the equipment, and abide by those restrictions, to preserve any insurance coverage in effect. (Adopted 12/12/2009)
THIS EQUIPMENT USE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into on ________________________, 200_____, between COLORADO FRIENDS OF OLD TIME MUSIC AND DANCE, a Colorado non-profit corporation (“CFOOTMAD”), through the Equipment Custodian whose signature appears at the end of this Agreement (the “Custodian”); and ____________________________________________________________, whose address is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (“Equipment User”).
1. Use of Equipment. CFOOTMAD agreed to allow Equipment User to use the Equipment listed on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Equipment”), on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
2. Term of Agreement. Equipment User shall be entitled to use the Equipment from the date of this Agreement until _______________________________, 200___, when the Equipment will be returned to CFOOTMAD, c/o the Custodian.
3. Inventory of Equipment. Upon receipt of the Equipment, Equipment User shall inspect it, and compare it with the Equipment listed on Exhibit A, to confirm that all Equipment is accounted for, and is in good, working condition, except as expressly noted on Exhibit A. Upon return of the Equipment, the Custodian will inventory the returned Equipment, to confirm that all Equipment is accounted for, and is returned in the same condition it held upon the commencement of this Agreement.
4. Care and Operation of Equipment. Equipment User may use and operate the Equipment only in a careful and proper manner consistent with its intended use. Equipment User shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the Equipment while it is in Equipment User’s possession. If Equipment User fails to return all of the Equipment to CFOOTMAD, or fails to return the equipment in good working condition, Equipment User shall be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement.
5. No Warranties by CFOOTMAD. CFOOTMAD MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, TO ANYONE, AS TO THE FITNESS, MERCHANTABILITY, DESIGN, CONDITION, CAPACITY, PERFORMANCE OR ANY OTHER ASPECT OF THE EQUIPMENT OR ITS MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP. CFOOTMAD further disclaims any liability for loss, damage or injury to Equipment User or third parties as a result of any defects, latent or otherwise, in the Equipment whether arising from CFOOTMAD’s negligence or application of the laws of strict liability. Equipment User acknowledges that it is using the Equipment “as is” and “with all faults.”
Colorado Friends of Old Time Music and
Dance, a Colorado non-profit corporation
By: ________________________ By:_________________________________
Title: Equipment Custodian Title: _______________________________
Equipment List
6.7. Job Description – Membership Coordinator
The Membership Coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring that the organization’s membership data and records are adequately maintained, protected, and safeguarded.
Accordingly, the Membership Coordinator shall:
1. Maintain electronic records of past and present members of CFOOTMAD, which records shall include, at a minimum, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, renewal date for membership, type of membership, membership fees paid, and offers to volunteer.
2. Safeguard CFOOTMAD’s membership records and files so as to protect them from loss or significant damage, including providing a backup of current membership data, electronically, to the Treasurer on a monthly basis. (Adopted 12/11/2011)
3. Prepare and revise, as appropriate, the membership form printed in the CFOOTMAD Newsletter and on the web-site.
4. Provide address labels for Newsletter and other publicity mailings related to CFOOTMAD events.
5. Provide electronic or hard copies of the membership data to series coordinators upon request.
6. Promptly inform the Board of any unauthorized use of the membership list which may come to the attention of the Membership Coordinator.
7. Arrange for the periodic printing and mailing of a membership directory to all CFOOTMAD members.
8. Provide membership statistics to the grantwriter, upon request.
Arrange for the sending of reminder notices to members whose membership is expiring. (Adopted 12/11/11)
9. Prepare and submit an annual budget for the maintenance of CFOOTMAD’s membership data, for the sending of renewal notices, and for the printing and mailing of the membership directory. The budget shall be submitted to the Board no later than November 30 of each year.
(Adopted 12/11/11)
10. The Membership Coordinator shall comply with the provisions of the Board-Staff Interaction – Staff Succession policy, and with the Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD.
6.8. Job Description – Webmaster
The Webmaster is the custodian of the CFOOTMAD website and is responsible for maintaining up-to-date and accurate information for access by the community.
Accordingly, the Webmaster shall:
1. Maintain the website in accordance to the “Ownership” paragraph below.
2. Be responsible for the maintenance of the files comprising the visible Web pages and keeping up-to-date the schedule and news information that may be of interest to the general public and members of CFOOTMAD.
3. Maintain calendar, event schedule, and contact information in a timely and accurate manner.
4. Maintain email redirection through the CFOOTMAD domain to the mailboxes of the Board as a whole, the Staff, as a whole, and each individual Board and Staff member.
5. Prepare and submit to the Board, by November 30 of each year, a proposed budget for the maintenance and enhancement of CFOOTMAD’s web site and online presence for the next fiscal year (Adopted 12/11/2011)
6. Designate, train, and cooperate with an assistant who shall be capable of performing the duties of the Webmaster and who shall be given permission to access and modify all Website files.
7. Be accessible and responsive to the CFOOTMAD Staff and Board of Directors, and be willing to implement additional website features subject to the Webmaster’s ability and resources.
8. Deliver a working copy of all website files to the Board at least twice annually for archival purposes.
9. The Webmaster shall comply with the provisions of the Board-Staff Interaction – Staff Succession policy, with the Fiscal Policy – Promotion and Marketing, and with the Fiscal Policy – Authorization to Bind CFOOTMAD.
10. The Webmaster may hire or contract technical assistance, subject to limitations of the budget.
11. Non-CFOOTMAD events may be promoted through the CFOOTMAD Meetup group clearly identified as Non-CFOOTMAD events. (Adopted 12/11/2011)
OWNERSHIP. The domain name, “CFOOTMAD.ORG” and any other domains that CFOOTMAD may procure and maintain from time to time shall remain its exclusive property. All decisions related to the registration and hosting of domains and websites shall remain the responsibility of the Board and/or its designees. All proprietary files, software, and techniques developed by or for the Webmaster for use in the CFOOTMAD website shall remain licensed, free of charge, to CFOOTMAD for its use.